Xfile alien bounty
Xfile alien bounty

the-x-files-best-characters-jeffrey-spender.Was she Mulder’s OG ally? Cigarette Smoking Man’s lackey? Scully’s continual frustration point? (OK, that last one we know for sure.) Of all the people with mysterious agendas and shifting loyalties on this list, Diana Fowley is one of the most puzzling - and that’s saying a lot. The United Nations staffer played by future Walking Dead star Laurie Holden was Mulder’s first female informant, and we never quite knew what her allegiances were - even after the ol’ black-oil-in-the-eyes treatment, courtesy of The Syndicate. the-x-files-best-characters-marita-covarrubias.Without Duane Barry - both the abductee and the Season 2 episode named after him - The X-Files would’ve looked a lot different: Barry’s kidnapping of Scully led to her abduction by more nefarious forces, which in turn laid the ground for her cancer battles and seemingly miraculous pregnancy in later seasons. the-x-files-best-characters-duane-barry.This meant he had a ton of secrets, and the fact that he died in Season 2 made him a frustratingly intriguing mystery for the show’s entire run. The man Fox Mulder believed was his father for most of his life was cold, conniving and never met a black ops government project he couldn’t worm his way into. the-x-files-best-characters-bill-mulder.In his two appearances in the series, Modell - a villain who could make people do whatever he wished by “pushing” their minds - revealed certain truths about the Mulder-Scully relationship that maybe even the agents in question hadn’t yet realized.

xfile alien bounty

the-x-files-best-characters-robert-patrick-modell.Though he said little, this Monster of the Week’s details spoke volumes: a creature who kills people, eats his prey’s liver, then hibernates for years in a nest made of newspapers and his own bile? We were as fascinated (and grossed-out) as Mulder was.

#Xfile alien bounty serial

Was the necrophiliac serial killer, introduced in Season 2, actually a demon? We may never know for sure… which only adds to the mystery about this seriously scary, Scully-obsessed creep.

  • the-x-files-best-characters-donnie-pfaster.
  • Honestly, the only reason he’s this low on the list is that we knew so little about him - but what we saw, we liked. The hapless FBI tech helped uncover the truth behind Scully’s chip, harbored a not-so-secret crush on the redheaded G-woman and got a raw deal in the end.

    Xfile alien bounty