Rolling sky candy bonus
Rolling sky candy bonus



It's colorful, imaginative and just chuck full of wackiness! My niece really loved the soundtrack too - she couldn't stop shaking her little booty!Ībout the game: if you have ever wondered what it might like to be the creator of the heavens and earth - this is the game for you! You are the prince trying to rebuild the cosmos with the help of his cousins (which are all playable characters once you have rolled them up). Wow - this game is just too much fun! Even my 4 year old niece loved trying to play this game. All of these elements add up for a fun time.


There are many funny details, such as a character making a copy of himself, or seeing yourself projected onto a TV screen in a storefront. At one point, you're rolling up the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall, then you get over to the States and roll up the Hollywood sign.

rolling sky candy bonus

You can also play different "cousins" or princes and play with another player (the only catch is you have to roll the katamari at the same time, in the same direction). As you conquer each level, a new fan appears. If they want you to play their game, they call out to you. It begins with a field of fans, or different characters. After you succeed on a level, there is a possiblity of going back and doing a better job. This game is much more involved than the first.

rolling sky candy bonus

Slowly the ball grows and becomes enormous enough to pick up buildings and giant octopi. At first, you can only pick up tiny objects. The game is simple: you roll a ball around and pick up objects. I've never been a big gamer- I'm a mom in my 30s- but the video store guy recommended Katamari as a first game for my 5 year old. I bought this game after conquering the first Katamari. Just don't forget your eyedrops, and always remember to blink. However, I have not had the opportunity to try it yet, so I can't say. I also hear that the co-op mode is a blast, if not frustrating, as you and a friend team up to roll a katamari together. Combining the easy-to-learn controls, the challenging gameplay, and the screams of thousands of innocent people as you roll them up, and you're all set for one heck of a party. I've had plenty of experience with this from the d***ed campfire stage.)Īll in all, this game is a must-have. (If you don't, the King of All Cosmos, with his giant Bulge of Doom, will zap you with laser beams from his eyes while little Earthlings mock you. In WLK, charging your katamari has become easier, but it's basically required in some missions for you to finish on time. It has more to do with the charge-and-roll mechanism. It's not anything to do with the controls, as they fairly remained intact. In KD, it was fairly easy to finish your star-making missions. Not only are there more missions, but they actually require skill to complete. Well, with We Love Katamari, the latter problem has not been fixed, (in fact, I think it's gotten worse.) but the lovely people at NAMCO have made full completion of your Cosmos more, let's say, ENGAGING. But that's because apparently I don't blink while playing Katamari.

rolling sky candy bonus

:D ) and it has a tendency to make your eyes feel like they're on fire after playing for a few hours. (Or, in WLK's case, planets.) Katamari Damacy was an extremely fun game whose only shortcomings were its extremely short finishing time, (I was done in about two hours, but replay value is priceless.

rolling sky candy bonus

For those who are familiar with the first game, Katamari Damacy, the goal is essentially the same: roll up as much stuff as you can in the smallest amount of time so your crazy daddy, the ever-creepy/awesome King of All Cosmos, can set it no fire and turn it into a star that he knocked out of the sky. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I like to come home, kick off my shoes, and play me some Katamari.

Rolling sky candy bonus